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The Soul Doctors assist entrepreneurs, family offices and HNW's by:


  1. Building the emotional intelligence of leaders

  2. Bringing you and your business into vibrational alignment

  3. Raising the vibration of both

  4. Aligning your products/services with the vibration of your clients

  5. Ensuring emotional wellbeing and alignment of intergenerational family offices and family run businesses 




Q: How will emotional intelligence improve the performance of my company?


A: There is significant research on the positive impact emotional intelligence has on organizations. One analysis of more than 300 top-level executives from fifteen global companies showed that six emotional competencies distinguished stars from the average: Influence, Team Leadership, Organizational Awareness, self-confidence, Achievement Drive, and Leadership (Spencer, L. M., Jr., 1997). We've seen our clients double and more their performance when they strengthen their emotional awareness. This can apply to you and your organization/leadership team too.


Q: I don’t know, are you sure this isn’t too 'out there for me? 


A: Well, have you ever met somebody and thought to yourself, ‘I like their vibe'? Have you ever seen a brand and thought, ‘Yep, that’s me’?  Have you ever heard a song that just clicked with you, that expressed how you were feeling in a way that words couldn’t? If so, then you already understand intuitively the concept of vibrations, and what it could mean to align them. 


Q: Ok, so, what is a vibration? 


A: So, vibration is a subtle but physical manifestation of energy. Energy can be understood in several ways. When we express our emotions, the energy that we emit carries a vibrational frequency, which can influence those around us. Emotions like anger and fear have a low frequency, and therefore often ‘bring the people around us down’. Emotions like gratitude and loving-kindness have a high frequency, and often uplift those around us.


Abstract entities like our relationships and our business affairs are infused with the energy that went into their constitution and these are continuously transformed by the energy we hold when we think of, and work on, them. This is to say that ‘higher vibrations’ are constructive over time, and ‘lower vibrations’ are corrosive. If we dislike someone, it will come out in the words we choose, the way we say things, our facial expressions, and countless other ways. Other people pick up on these things even if they don’t realize it, and over time the relationship disintegrates.


A salesperson who constantly doubts themselves or feels desperate for a sale is often taken advantage of or not taken seriously, but a salesperson with the easy confidence that they have something that customers need naturally attracts customers and finds success.


If you zoom out, quantum theory suggests that all matter, on an atomic level, is composed of energy vibrating in waves. Vibrations are behind everything, and if you understand how to influence that energy, you begin to become the master of your universe. 


Q: And what would it mean to bring me and my business into vibrational alignment? 


A: That means making sure that your energy is in line with the energy of your business. You may have a great business plan, a great organization, and a world-changing vision, but if you are plagued by self-doubt, limiting self-beliefs, trauma, anger, jealousy, or contempt towards others, then you will constantly be holding your business back.


Likewise, you may be an enlightened soul who is well-adjusted and productive, but if your products/services, marketing, business operations, or vision are at a lower standard or a lower scale, then there’s a limit to how much you’re going to be able to achieve.


Vibrational alignment is about bringing the individual and the organization into harmony, so that the same energy, the same level of grace and ambition, are firing away in both aspects of your life, and success comes naturally. 


Q: And what does it mean to raise the vibration of me and my business? 


A: To raise your vibration means to evolve, to remove the sources of negative energy, and to ultimately re-center at a higher level of consciousness. For you, this can mean overcoming anger, fear, self-doubt, pride, guilt, etc.; allowing yourself to be motivated instead by goodwill, resilient peace, self-confidence, and joy; feeling like you are ‘in flow’; letting success come to you.


For your organization this can mean developing and marketing products and services that resonate with more people and appeal to the best instincts in them; it can mean creating an organization that hums, that has a creative and supportive work culture full of happy people, that scales sustainably, and that truly makes the world a better place. 


Q: And how do I align my products/services to the vibration of my customers? 


A: Here, alignment is about refining your business, brand, products/services, everything, so that it clicks with your customers on all levels. It’s about striking a chord with customers in the same way that a hit song, a viral video, or a legendary brand does. This requires understanding your customers on a deep level, being creative, and tweaking your business to resonate with them.


If you have a novel product, then you may need to do some work to bring your customers along, to inform them, to get them from where they are to where you know they’ll love to be. In a sense, that’s what we’re doing with this Q&A.


We believe we have a novel service, one that can take you and your business to places you never thought possible. And who knows, reading this could be the bridge you needed to be ready to totally transform your life, your business, and this world for the better.


Q: And how do I ensure the emotional wellbeing of family members involved in my business?


A: The successful or healthy family enterprise focuses on developing (growing) successful individuals. Many intergenerational ventures bring strong values that helped forge the success of previous, and/or the current, generation that are challenging for the future generation to uphold.


There can be a valid need for change and the family to consider the values and beliefs of the younger generation in order to ensure a continued inclusion and growth to the enterprise. There can also be a valid need to help the younger generation more deeply resonate with what they might feel as outdated values and ethics. 


The friction that often arises between these can lead to a generation drifting away, falling into self destructive behaviours, and ultimately risking the loss of the family business. Most fortunes are lost within 3 generations.


Focusing on the emotional wellbeing and vibrational alignment of the family unit and the business objectives will mitigate this risk.  


Nurturing healthy family relationships and individual growth as part of the business evolution are keys to longevity.


Beyond this, recognising that the family businesses sustainability cannot be looked at in isolation from the community and world in which it operates, learning how to navigate the societal and environmental shifts affecting the different generations and the business at large is a key factor to address and ensure longevity and success is attained for the next generation. 


In a nutshell, doing your personal work is the best gift you can give to your family and for the next generation. Then helping the next generation prioritise their inner growth and development is the second greatest gift one can share.


“We change the world not by what we say or do,

but as a consequence of what we have become.”

~Dr. David Hawkins

To take your family and business to the next level

connect with us and see if we resonate.

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